
2023-05-26 19:01 • 阅读 89
英语介词不许独立运用,必需带上宾语形成介词短语,或附丽在不迭物动词反面运用。英语不迭物动词不许径直带宾语,必需加上符合的介词本领带宾语。介词短语不妨在句子中充任状语,定语,宾语和宾语补语。 一.介词at/ in /on 表白功夫,做功夫状语 1).表白某一简直功夫点,某一功夫/ 年纪at six o

英语介词不许独立运用,必需带上宾语形成介词短语,或附丽在不迭物动词反面运用。英语不迭物动词不许径直带宾语,必需加上符合的介词本领带宾语。介词短语不妨在句子中充任状语,定语,宾语和宾语补语。 一.介词at/ in /on 表白功夫,做功夫状语 1).表白某一简直功夫点,某一功夫/ 年纪

at six o’clock六点钟 at noon 午时at that time其时 at the moment 那一刻at the age of在……岁时 at night 黄昏

2)in表白功夫段,一天的三个功夫段以及月份,年,时节,世纪,人生的某个功夫(或人几十岁时)in the morning早晨/ in afternoon 下昼/in evening 黄昏in spring 春天/in /in March 仲夏,in the twenty-first century 二十一生纪,in his fifties五十几岁


On Monday evening礼拜一黄昏on a rainy night 一个降雨的晚上on the morning of April 1st ,2018,2018年4月1日早晨

二、表场所,做场所状语 1)at 普遍指较小的场所或较简直的场所at the station在车站 at the cinema 在影戏院


2)in 表白在较大的场所或一个有限空间里.in China在华夏 in the classroom 在讲堂里

3)on 指在某物体的外表上.on the desk在台子上

三.介词in /on / to 表方位的辨别 1.in表白A地在B地范畴之内.(包括联系)

Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China .(in)


Hubei is ____ the north of Hunan .(on)


Japan is _____ the east of China .(to)

四. between 与among 的辨别 1.between :指两者之间. 在…….之间.

2.among :用来三者或三者之上人或物之间. 在……之中.

You sit _____ him and me .(between)

The song is popular ______ the students.(among)

五.after与in 的辨别 1)after + 功夫段. 表白以往日某一功夫为开始的一段功夫之后, 用来往日时.

2)after 作介词. after doing sth

3).in +一段功夫. 表白谈话时或以此刻为开始的未来一段功夫之后.用来未来时.

He came back ______ two days .(after)

He will go home___finishing his homework .(after)

He will come back _____ two days .(in)

六.with 、 in 与 by 的辨别 1.with 表白 “用…” 普遍指无形的东西 / 本领 / 人体器官.

He cut the apple into halves ____ a knife .(with)

He came in _____ a big *** ile on his face .(with)

2.in表白用那种谈话,办法,道路. 或抄写/美术所用的资料. 也可表交通办法.

Can you say it _____English ?(in)

He wrote a letter ____ blue ink .(in)

3.by表白乘坐交通东西, 表白办法,本领

I study for a test _____ working with a group .(by)

He makes a living ____ selling newspapers .(by)

七.across 、through 、 over 、by 的辨别 1.across 指横穿,穿过. 表白举措从某一物体外表上过程.

2.through 指穿过,透过,表白从某一物体空间内经过.

3.over 表白从或人或某物的上空过程或穿过,不与外表交战. 表白从或人/某物的左右过程.

Can you swim ______ the river ?(across)

The elephant is so big that it can’t go _____ the gate .(through)

I don’t think anyone can jump ___ the fence.(over)

I walked _____ the bank of China yesterday .(by)

八.in front of / in the front of 的辨别 the front of 表白在…….里面的前方 front of 表白在……表面的前方

There is a desk in the front of our classroom .

There is a big tree in front of our classroom.



1).表白 “从事或正在做某事”,后来加的动词常常不加冠词.

She is at work now = She is working now .

2)at表白 “价钱或速率”

The train ran at 120 kilometres an hour .


1)in表白 “在……上面” , 短语:do well in = be good at , be weak in

2)in 表白 “衣着”后接表脸色的词或衣物.

短语: be in +衣物 = be wearing +衣物

3)in作副词, “在教” = at home 的用法:

1).像/和……一律. 常与系动词连用. 短语: look like sound like

2).与what 连用, “是什么格式, 还好吗”.

What is he like ? He is kind .


1).从……下来, 摆脱某物体.短语: fall off

2). “放假”常常放在功夫动词之后. 短语: have +功夫+ off

He hasn’t had a night off for two hours .

5.except / besides

1).except 除去…….除外, 都……. . 不囊括在范畴之内. 注: nothing but … 除去……除外,什么也没有.

2).besides除去……除外,再有…… . 囊括在范畴之内.

We all went swimming ______ Lucy .(except)

There is _______ a letter in the box .(nothing but )

We study Japanese and French____ English .(besides)

6.with / without

1).with具备,含有 -----反义词: without 没有; 短语: with the help of = with one’s help =because of = thanks to ,

without one’s help

2).without 的用法:

A).without + *** ./ sth. 没有或人或某物

B).without + doing sth .

He left here without____(say ) “Goodbye “to us(saying)

C). without sth 常与if 启发的否认的前提句.

If there is no water , we can’t live .= We can’t live without water .

7.on the tree /in the tree

on the tree 表白 “树上自己长的货色” 在树上. 而in the tree 表白 “外界的物体加入树中” 人或物在树上.

There are some apples _____ the tree .(on)

There is a boy ____ the tree.(in)

8.since / for

注: since / for 用来此刻实行时.

1).since :a).since +功夫点 b). 此刻实行时+ since +普遍往日时c).since +一段功夫+ ago.

2)for: for +一段功夫= since +一段功夫+ ago made +介词的辨别:

be made of 由…制成 (看得见原资料)

be made from由…制成 (看不见原资料)

be made in +场所 由哪儿消费

be made by *** . 由或人创造

10.表白 “数目的介词”

about , round around over

1). about , round around表白 “大概……”

2).over 表白 “胜过”= more than.

11.inside / outside

Inside 在……内里 ------反义词:outside在….表面 the wall /on the wall

in the wall 表白“窗门在墙上” on the wall 表白“某货色剪贴或挂在墙上”

十、.不必介词的情景: 1).当功夫状为: tonight, today, yesterday, tomorrow 等时,不必介词.

What are you going to do tonight ?

2).含有this, that, these, those, last, next, every, each等功夫状语.

He went to Wuhan last week .

3).以all 发端的功夫状语前方不必介词.

He has worked all day .

4).以some ,any, one 等形成的功夫状语前不必介词.


He met a bad man one cold morning .= He met a bad man on a cold morning .

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