背的英语怎么说 背的英语咋说 _怎么

2023-04-21 18:43 • 阅读 149
很多网友想了解背的英语怎么说的相关知识,为了大家进一步的对背的英语咋说所有了解,就跟小编一起来看看吧! 背的 英语 怎么说:背,指人体后面从肩到腰的部分,也表示物体的后面或反面 。那你知道背的英语怎么说吗?下面绍兴美联小编告诉你背的英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧! back文章插图 有关背的英语怎么说

背的 英语 怎么说:背,指人体后面从肩到腰的部分,也表示物体的后面或反面 。那你知道背的英语怎么说吗?下面绍兴美联小编告诉你背的英语怎么


我背上有个地方痛 。
I've got a sore place in my back.
这个责任我还背得起 。
I presume I am up to this job.
他背上起痱子了 。
Heat rash rises on his back.
他轻轻地在我背上拍了一下 。
【背的英语怎么说 背的英语咋说】 He patted me gently on the back.
他们派来了很多男护士,在我的背上扎了一针 。
They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back
爬到我背上抓紧了 。
Climb on to my back and hold tight.
祖父年纪大了,背有点驼 。
Grandfather is quite old and a bit hunchbacked.
我像个老妇人似的驼着背 。
I was humped like an old lady.
骡背被重负压得塌下了 。
The mule's back was hollowed by the weight of its burden.
My back's giving me hell, let me tell you!
他背对着炉火在通常的位子上坐了下来 。
He took up his accustomed position with his back to the fire
汗从我背上淌下来 。
The perspiration was running down my back.
您能看一下我的背吗?我觉得有点儿不对劲 。
Can you look at my back? I think something's wrong.
她两根乌黑的辫子垂在背上 。
Two black plaits hung down her back.
士兵们背着毯子和给养 。
Soldiers were loaded with blankets and supplies
乌龟背上有硬壳 。
A tortoise has a shell on his back.
如果出了什么问题,我可不想替人背黑锅 。
I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong.
他的花园背朝一所学校 。
His garden backs onto a school.
舞台后方偏右处,罗伯特·莫里斯背对观众站着 。
Upstage and right of centre, Robert Morris stands with his back to the audience
我想要背几句台词,但我的心根本不在那上面 。
I tried to learn some lines but my heart wasn't really in it.
她转过身背对着观众 。
She turned her back to the audience
他们抓起鞭子,朝跌倒的人背上抽去 。
They snatched up whips and lashed the backs of those who had fallen.
用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头 。
Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in.
他很体贴地背着装有我们野餐食物的背包 。
He kindly carried our picnic in a rucksack
17岁时,我背起行囊离开了家 。
When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home
The photographers drew back to let us view the body
摄影师往后退开,好让我们查看尸体 。
I went back to bed
我回到床上 。
The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal
铁路公司表示,其运输服务将慢慢恢复正常 。
She handed the knife back
她递还刀子 。
They wrote back to me and they told me that I didn't have to do it
他们回信告诉我说不必那么做 。
Can I come back to the question of policing once again?
Short skirts are back
短裙又流行起来了 。
Her hair was tied back
她的头发扎了起来 。
She lay back and stared at the ceiling


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